I couldn't resist buying these strawberries at the farmer's market. But of course, it's way more than me, or my family can consumer before it all goes bad. Solution? Jam, of course!
So I've never made Jam before, and I've always assumed that it would be a long laborious process, involving the serious food thermometer and risking kitchen injuries. Not true at all! The process didn't take more than half an hour, and I'm mighty pleased with the results. I didn't want to just make regular strawberry jam, so I modified this recipe from Canadian Living.
Here's what you do:
3 cups strawberries
1/4 pack Pectin
1 1/4 cup sugar
1 tbsp balsalmic vinegar
1 tsp coarsely cracked fresh black pepper
Drop the strawberries in a large cooking pot. Mash the strawberries thoroughly until it reaches a pulpy juice consistency. Add 1/8 cup sugar along with the pectin to this mixture. Cook the mixture on high heat until the mixture is thoroughly boiling. Add the remaining sugar and cook until the mixture is boiling thoroughly once again. Cook for one more minute. Remove from heat, and add the balsalmic vinegar and the fresh pepper.
I love the flavors of strawberry and balsamic together - great choice!